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Weekend Write-Up; What i did Yesterday ?

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Today will be marked as the Never to be forgotten day of my life.

In Morning

I woke up excited as always, it was weekend, i had lots of time. Was thinking about the yesterday's Incident and i didn't feel Happy the way i treated one of my friends who also happens to be my Senior in College.

Yesterday - Around 9pm IST

Me and my friend were chatting as usual, the friend mentioned here happens to be one of the Author of this blog. We chat everyday till late night, It was Friday evening. We decided to chat untill 1 AM because next day was Saturday and we don't have college on Saturday, but eventually ended our conversation sooner than 1 AM.

We talked about the stuff and all that then i cut around a topic where i said her lets play a game sort of a prank with one of our own mutual friend. It was a girl and a good friend too. i started with asking around lots of questions about her and slowly slowly asking about her personal details. We were getting good all along, then suddenly she got to know about the game we were playing .... Note that to protect individual privacy i cannot mention her name & so forth. she got to know abt it. And the next thing Bamm ... i was being scolded, but it was all ok for me cause i did a mistake of playing a prank on her.

I thought she said we were (typical) friends and you don't need to be formal , but then i don't know why she got serious. I didn't understand, she could have taken it light.

Then the next morning .. i felt bad for doing that, i apologized her for the act and pleaded her. She just said one thing 'don't ever talk to me'.

There you go that moment i felt so bad that i thought i would never cope .

In the evening i didn't feel like blogging or doing anything at all.. at PM i did watch Intruders Movie. It was great horror movie. If you haven't watched, i suggest you watch it.
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