One of my favorite critiques of modern capitalism. Harvey goes into
great detail about the volatility of capital flows, crises of capitalism
and how these works together to ruin peoples' lives.
Brilliant criticism of globalisation, and how the richest nations
force strict free-market policies on the poorest nations. Chang shows us
how the poorest stay poor, and the richest stay rich.
This is a book about economics, but very relevant to socialists.
Wolff is one of the leading Marxian economists, and shows us the state
of the different econ schools in the 21st century. Raises some key
questions about how policies are decided based on the dominance of each
of these spheres.
Maybe not as radical as some of us my like, but still a brilliant
book never the less. Probably one of the strongest cases for social and
economic equality, demonstrating clearly that more unequal societies
fare worse in almost all aspects. Equality does matter, and that's why a
democratically-ran socialist society is important.
Harvey tells us how the free-market schools of economics have come to
dominate, starting with the US treasury and slowly sweeping its way
through China and Great Britain. Neoliberalism has been the ruling
ideology of the last 10 years, attacking workers rights and zealously
perusing the liberalization of capital. Perhaps laying the groundworks
for the 2008 financial crash?