Tablet Prices In India

Tablets price in India were soaring till a couple of years back with most companies happy dishing out expensive models for an elite class of consumers. 

However, efforts of companies like DataWind, with a firm belief in the philosophy of affordability and connectivity, have seen the tablets price in India stabilize in the recent years.

A device like a tablet computer can perform a vital social role by empowering people, especially the student community, with computing and Internet access. The government of India initiative Akash tablet- a low price device procured for the students across the country with a view to enhance the quality of education- has shown that computing and Internet access used in a blended learning environment can go a long way in encouraging the students and teachers and improving their living standards.

The jaw dropping price of Akash made the whole world sit up and take notice. Manufacturers realized that producing good tablet computers at an affordable price was indeed possible, and as a result the low cost computer industry got a big boost and tablets price in India also started coming down.

DataWind was responsible for designing, developing and manufacturing the first batch of Akash tablets, and the company also launched its commercial equivalents like UbiSlate 7CX, UbiSlate7C+ and UbiSlate 7CZ etc that have provided some excellent affordable alternatives to the consumers.

The falling tablets price in India has brought a new hope for millions of consumers who couldn’t afford the more expensive models and were lagging behind due to a lack of good computer education. Life can now be easier for these people as they can hope to acquire good education by having their own tablets and gain a meaningful employment.

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