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Humanity Serves No Greater Purpose

I think humanity as a whole will always show egoistical characteristics and since most people will choose for themselves instead of the greater good, we are salvageable.
I think humanity as a whole will always show egoistical characteristics and since most people will choose for themselves instead of the greater good, we are salvageable.

Power and wealth will concentrate only more in the future while we let everything else go to hell. Those that do care don't have the power to stop it.
Further, everyone who is doing good deeds is just doing for the praise and fame that follows. I therefore think that it would be better that we should be wiped out as a species because from an outsider's point, we're just a malignant tumor, para-siting on each other and the world.

The very few souls that really just want to do good would agree with me that for the greater good, we must die.

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