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Technology Advancement in 21st century

Technology is not a linear curve. Its exponential. These advancements may or may not be exponential, in the long run, it's not clear yet.
Technology Is Not TechnologyTechnology is not a linear curve. Its exponential.

These advancements may or may not be exponential, in the long run, it's not clear yet. But what is clear is that we helped ourselves to the low hanging fruit of invention in the 20th c - the inventions and discoveries that were within easy grasp.

Much of what was made was based on theories developed at the beginning of the century, such as quantum mechanics. The pace of invention may now slow. Case in point: the development of the electron microscope is now hitting a wall - a limit imposed by physical law - machines of greater technological sophistication are not returning greater resolving power any more. The advantages gained from new medicines is shrinking in general. It is as if all the simple, beneficial chemicals have been discovered. Improvements are hampered by increasing chemical complexity and attendant side effects.

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