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Government Secret Project: Wireless Transmissions of Voices

Wireless transmission of audible voices into the skulls of human beings. Accomplished decades ago.
Wireless transmission of audible voices into the skulls of human beings. Accomplished decades ago.
Glimpses of weapons based on this technology have been uploaded and quickly pulled down from military websites. The US Army calls it V2K for "Voice to Skull." Also referred to as "Voice of God" weapon.

Abu Zubaydah (sp?) was waterboarded (IIRC) 83 times, but that didn't get him talking. What did was a visitation in his cell from "Allah" who spoke to him and told him his cooperation would make things easier on the other brothers.
...He was able to withstand the waterboarding for quite some time. And by that I mean probably 30, 35 seconds...and a short time afterwards, in the next day or so, he told his interrogator that Allah had visited him in his cell during the night and told him to cooperate.[18]
Eventually it was reported that Abu Zubaydah had been waterboarded at least 83 times,[19]

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