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One fine Day after School

I was 10-11 years old, I needed something from stationery shop for my homework. I was alone at home, decided to walk there. At road, I noticed something, a man in a coat was behind me.
I was 10-11 years old, I needed something from stationery shop for my homework. I was alone at home, decided to walk there. At road, I noticed something, a man in a coat was behind me. I didn't suspect at first, didn't think that he was following until my phone rings. That was my father who called, we talked and I hung up. Then I noticed that he slowed down while I'm on the phone but after the call he got faster and continued following me.

After all that Hollywood action movies that I've watched, I thought that I had to lose my track. I took a quick turn between buildings and ran, took the first bus that passes on the street. He couldn't see me, I was faster than him. I saw him from the bus as I go, he was looking around, searching for something, maybe me. I don't know his intention that day, if he was planning to kidnap me or took my money, cellphone, etc. I'll never learn thank god. That was the most suspicious thing that happened to me.

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