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How to Install Atheros Wireless Drivers for Elementary OS ?

Please try:
sudo apt-get install  linux-backports-modules-cw-3.8-precise-generic
I believe cw-3.8 includes the modalias for your device.
If your device is still not shown, please post:
modinfo ath9k | grep 0036
dmesg | grep ath
Please get a working ethernet connection, open a terminal and do:
sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic build-essential
Download this file to your desktop: Right-click it and select 'Extract Here.' Back to the terminal:
cd Desktop/backports-20131113/
make defconfig-ath9k
sudo make install
Reboot and let us know if it is working. You will have compiled the driver for your currently running kernel only. When Update Manager installs a newer kernel version, also known as linux-image, after you reboot, re-compile:
cd Desktop/backports-20131113/
make clean
make defconfig-ath9k
sudo make install
sudo modprobe ath9k
Please retain the files and these instructions for that time.

Thanks to Chilli for this info.

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