
Interview with @photomatt

Posted by Kanthala Raghu on

Watching Matt Mullenweg, the Founder of Open source Blogging Software 'Wordpress' talking at Lean Startup Conference. Personally I haven't seen any of matt's Interviews before although I've followed his blog & twitter and actively participated in discussions on Wordpress.org. 

Matt $0k Speaking Fee
Last year I actually brought hosting space from Hosting.India.to solely to create my personal blog on wordpress. I was so excited to try the new wordpress they've released that time. I believe it was version 3.0 or something the features and most of all the SEO capabilities. ,90% of wordpress installations are SEO friendly by default. I did notice the ranking of a wordpress blog to a different blog and wordpress had more affinity towards search engines than any other platforms. 

Over time I left wordpress because it was financially not feasible for me, the hosting charges alone & traffic was enormous in those days. But there's tons of things I've learned by being on wordpress than in any other community. If they had allowed free domain mapping I'd hosted my domain on their servers (WordPress.com). I still look forward to it...