
Movie Review: "The Interview"

Posted by Kanthala Raghu on
the best targeted propaganda film ever produced
Hype for 'The Interview' is shooting up everywhere and reporters are freaking out and so is the North Korean government. Kim Jong Un himself is ultimately replaceable by the political institution that surrounds him. The real damage that this film could cause would be to the cult of personality that the Kim family has built up; showing that the Kim lineage are not the God Emperors they portray themselves as.

Say what you will about the quality of the movie, and its strange parallels to the Lord of the Rings, it blasts the 'cult of personality' around the North Korean leader they have fought to maintain for so long. The movie reminded me of the Vice documentary on the country. There are a lot of seeds of truth worked into the ways Kim Jong Un's character is handled.

In all the scenarios based on reading of Korean history and of news trends over the years, never did I consider a comedy released by Seth Rogen and James Franco could lead to destabilization of the country in the most 'emperor has no pants' sense. I could consider this as the best targeted propaganda film ever produced, but I just don't believe the government could pull off something so polished.

It's interesting that as a result of where communications technology has brought us, this notion exists that North Korea even finds out about the film and should realistically consider the impact of it getting loose. It may be a case study shaping up in how technology advances can quickly change the realm of what's possible.

You can also watch the movie online on Youtube, theinterview.com