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Counting Down to 1st Feb

it's the longest PirateBay has been down since about 3 years, if I recall correctly. No one knows exactly when it will be back online, but several people are working on it, last I heard.
Temporarly down because MPAA/RIAA/etc are above the law.
Temporarly down because MPAA/RIAA/etc are above the law.
3 weeks ago, police raided one of their major data centers in Sweden. When they raided it, they took something called a load balancer, servers and arrested one of the staff. This essentially shut down the site. Since that time has created a counter on the site, it was counting up until yesterday but now it is counting down to February 1st.

TPB has released all their code and torrent databases so everyone can create their own versions. I've heard they are creating a decentralized site that could never be shut down.

They shall rise again ! However, it's the longest PirateBay has been down since about 3 years, if I recall correctly. No one knows exactly when it will be back online, but several people are working on it, last I heard.
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