Learning the Basics of Programming: Python

I haven't had the time to learn this in a formal way. So Today I took up the Initiative to really learn it conceptually + hands on using the courses on MIT Open Courseware. I figured, I can make out 9 hours in a week for the course (that's all it needs btw). So it should't be a problem.

I have python installed on my linux & windows both, but will primarily use linux since it captures my Interests and takes me through the fundamentals of writing it down in a terminal rather than a gui in Windows which is un-interesting.

Following Posts in this category will contain my experiences, problem sets that I've had practiced and tips on where you can improve (from my experience). If you are learning too, then head over to http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-00-introduction-to-computer-science-and-programming-fall-2008/video-lectures/lecture-1/. Lets keep in touch and together get through this.

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