
Movie Review - 'Expelled'

Posted by Kanthala Raghu on
Movie Review - 'Expelled'
High School teenage Drama about a student, who gets expelled for his notorious Intelligent Extra Circular Activities at school (so to put it). What's the one thing students are afraid like hell ? Their parents knowing the truth right ?

So this movie introduces you to the life of an expelled high school student 'Felix' who tries indefinitely to hide that truth from his parents about his expulsion.  His friends favor him as long as they can to help him hide the truth, disguising, faking, participating in certain situations.

At last after seeing his brother caught up and sent back to mountain view high school which by the way a Prison for him. He realizes that high school is just a game and he needs one last chance to do what regular folks do. He catches his school dean playing black jack online and using the funds from school for his personal benefits. So there's his chance to re-enroll in school and start over.

Felix scores 94/100 for the first time, his life is looking good now.. that's all you will know from the movie.