
India has Audience for Everyone, even All India Bakchod !

Posted by Kanthala Raghu on
India has Audience for Everyone, even All India Bakchod !
People, movie directors, authors & photographers. Everyone is looking for an audience to grow themselves and make some profit off it. Recently, my new found love 'All India Bakchod' has garnered my Interest in Comedy.

Dekhta tha comedy ek zamane mein before Kapil sharma came up with Comedy Nights. Uske comedy lines and acts were not that Interesting, sort to say there is no spice in his acts. But AIB (short for all India Bakchod) has something different.

There words are filled with Adult, PG13, R-Rated stuff that makes even the awkward look like comedy piece. They are able to remove that awkwardness that we have when speak about it.

Words like Gandu, Harami, Teri Maa Ki, Laude and few words In hindi that are unpleasant to hear to ears (even for me). But they are able to make it sound funny on a public stage removing that unpleasantness & compensating it with comedy...

I recently finished watching 'AIB Knockout' on YouTube few minutes ago and highly suggest you to watch it. Please don't watch it if you aren't ready to take all that R-Rated, Adult words, or depictions they portrait in their shows. Seriously its not for people under 18 too !

let me know what you think ?

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