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Amazon most visited e-commerce site in Oct

As e-commerce players battled for consumer attention during the festive period, Amazon India saw maximum visitors on its web and mobile sites in October at over 20 crore visitors, as per the recent data from Internet analytics firm comScore.
As e-commerce players battled for consumer attention during the festive period, Amazon India saw maximum visitors on its web and mobile sites in October at over 20 crore visitors, as per the recent data from Internet analytics firm comScore.

An annual comparison shows that Amazon has also seen the most rapid growth in one year between November 2014 to October 2015.

Interestingly, even as more than 70% of sales for Amazon reportedly take place through the mobile application, the company saw more than 30 million unique monthly visitors on the desktop site in October.

This is higher than other comparable e-commerce players, including Flipkart which saw 26.9 million unique desktop visitors, comScore numbers revealed.

Amazon, which competes with Flipkart and Snapdeal among others in India, operates under a marketplace model here as regulations in the country do not allow foreign capital in business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce.

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