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Elon Musk is Probably the Greatest Entrepreneur of our Time

Forget about iPhones and iPads, Elon is trying to solve some of the biggest problems of this world's future.
Elon Musk Co-founded 3 different companies; each one aims to solve one of the biggest problems of our generation.
  • Absolutely zero fear of risk; he is willing to put his entire bankroll on a single project (500m+ invested in his own companies)
  • Arguably the most brilliantly diverse engineer of our time.
  • His level of optimism and determination is unmatched by anyone of our era. Elon will literally not stop a project until it succeeds, regardless of its size (
Forget about iPhones and iPads, Elon is trying to solve some of the biggest problems of this world's future.

And he's doing so without being properly noticed. So my perspective; that alone makes him the greatest Entrepreneur of our time.

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