
Review: AMD Radeon Crimson

Posted by Kanthala Raghu on

AMD announced their new Radeon Software drivers I knew big changes were coming, AMD didn't just promise that they would be delivering us a new and improved user interface, but also that they would improving the stability of their drivers, the performance of their drivers and will be continuing to add more and more useful features to their software.

With the first release of AMD's Radeon Software, AMD Crimson, AMD planned to tackle not just performance, efficiency,the aging UI of their drivers or simply add more features, but take a 4 pronged approach that will endeavor to do all this at once in a since, stable driver release.

With Last years AMD Catalyst Omega driver AMD had fixed the 10 biggest issues that AMD Catalyst users had requested to be fixed, and now around a year later AMD has some so again, fixing many of the issues that their end users have been facing over the past year.

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