Image Credit: Verge
HTC 10 upfront blends 2 phones looks, the top portion looks similar to an iPhone while the bottom looks similar to a Samsung

It's nice to see an actual all metal phone that looks and feels like a metal phone. My problem with this phone is the huge bezels. They could had trimmed the bezels and put a bigger display. 

Battery size could had been better given the apparent thickness of this phone. I'm withholding judgment on the speakers until I grab one and test it. It would had been nice to see an AMOLED display but if truth be told, they tend to over saturate colors. 

Image Credit: Twitter
In the camera department, hopefully HTC did a good job with the software for it. So far the LG G5 and the Huawei P9 seem to be ahead in this department. 

Software wise, It's nice that HTC is going for a less bloated approach but at the same time what did it sacrifice in terms of features to achieve this. Whether the phone have IR blaster or IP67 rating is a non issue, at least for me. Some see it as a deal breaker but it shouldn't be considering that for the most part, we use these phones pretty much the same way as any other phone. 

It's one of those features that it's nice if the phone have it, same goes with wireless charging (Before you go grab a pitchfork and chase me with it, my current phone is a S5). All in all, this is a well rounded phone that should cover most of your tech needs, but definitely not a game changer.