
Humanity is everything

Posted by Kanthala Raghu on
Here's the thing.. we aren't small in the grand scheme of things. We are everything in the grand scheme of things.

There either is God or there is not. There is either some sort of higher power responsible for everything, or there is not. In the case of God, humans are everything in the grand scheme (pretty much no matter the religion).

However, if everything that exists is a cosmic accident, we are also everything, because in that case there is no grand scheme and as best we can tell the rest of the universe is a desolate wasteland mostly filled with rocks and gas (besides all the nothing). In that case, Earth, and humanity, is a shining beacon in a sea of nothing.

Drilling down even further, to those in your Sphere of Influence and Perception, you mean more than all the nothingness in the universe. And those in your Sphere mean more to you in some way than all the rest of the universe. Your co-worker dying means more to you than an entire solar system imploding somewhere out there.

The very fact that you can appreciate the moon makes you more important than the entire lifeless universe. It's only because of humanity that the moon means anything at all.

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