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Bodhi 4.0.0 to be released in September

Jeff Hoogland promises that the September stable release of Bodhi 4.0.0 will include support for 32-bit PAE and non-PAE platforms as well.
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Based on the latest technologies and software updates from the Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) operating system, Bodhi 4.0.0 Alpha is right on schedule, and it marks the start of the development cycle of the upcoming GNU/Linux distribution built around the lightweight and modern Moksha desktop environment, a continuation of the Enlightenment 17 window manager.

The final Bodhi 4.0.0 release might hit the shelves in September, but, until then, you are urged to test drive the Alpha release, as well as the next development milestone, which might very well be a Beta version, and report any issues you might find. 
However, please note that Bodhi 4.0.0 Alpha is only available for 64-bit computers.

Jeff Hoogland promises that the September stable release of Bodhi 4.0.0 will include support for 32-bit PAE and non-PAE platforms as well. 

Until the Bodhi 4.0.0 Beta is made available for public testing next month, I recommend that you download the Bodhi 4.0.0 Alpha Live ISO right now via their website.

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