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IBM's Watson Saves A Women by Diagnosing her Disease

Reports assert that Japanese doctors have, for the first time in history, used artificial intelligence to detect a type of leukemia, which helped to save a patie
Reports assert that Japanese doctors have, for the first time in history, used artificial intelligence to detect a type of leukemia, which helped to save a patient's life.

If you needed proof that the age of artificial intelligence is officially upon us, well, look no farther. Reports assert that IBM’s artificial intelligence (AI) system, Watson, just saved the life of a Japanese woman by correctly identifying her disease. This is notable because, for some time, her illness went undetected using conventional methods, and doctors were stumped.

To that end, the AI’s positive identification allowed doctors to develop a treatment for the woman in question, ultimately saving her life.

The key to this success is the AI’s ability to take a massive amount of data and analyze it quickly. This is something that human physicians, sadly, cannot do themselves (or at least, they can’t do it with nearly the accuracy or efficiency). The system looked at the woman’s genetic information and compared it to 20 million clinical oncology studies. After doing so, it determined that the patient had an exceedingly rare form of leukemia. - Source

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