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Ubuntu 16.10 Wallpaper

I see that canonical/ubuntu has set a color scheme for the OS and they are simply sticking to it while changing the wallpaper a bit with every release,..
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I see that canonical/ubuntu has set a color scheme for the OS and they are simply sticking to it while changing the wallpaper a bit with every release, the way I see it, it's kinda innovative and consistent at the same time.

These purple-ish wallpapers are sort of a Ubuntu flag. I think it is a clever strategy to try to seek association with a color. If you want to grow in popularity, brand recognition is the first thing to develop. This is an easy and inexpensive way to help people recognize your product. I've always loved the origami warm ambient light Ubuntu default wallpapers. Elegant, not distracting, not too plain, vastly superior to the utterly uninspired default Windows (since ever) and Mac wallpapers (of recent years).

I don't think this is changing any time soon, canonical provides the default wallpaper while the community provide the rest of the wallpapers.

I think I am pleased with this one.

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