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I regularly do 15 minutes of meditation a day but this morning I did about 30 minutes of sitting meditation and just recently did another 30 minute sit. When I was done, my mind felt like it was a still lake with water like glass.
I regularly do 15 minutes of meditation a day but this morning I did about 30 minutes of sitting meditation and just recently did another 30 minute sit. When I was done, my mind felt like it was a still lake with water like glass.

I'm just doing mindfulness of breathing (Samantha). I've been meditating since 2013.

 I'm fully here in the present moment with nothing else arising in my consciousness. There is a visceral feeling of "This is it!". My perceptions also feel enhanced and there seems to be a magic shimmer to everything. This feels like true happiness. I'm blown away at how powerful meditation is.

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