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Million Dollar Home Page on the Internet

Alex Tew isn’t really known for following the crowd. His mantra has always been to see what everyone else is focusing on and to do the opposite.
Alex Tew isn’t really known for following the crowd. His mantra has always been to see what everyone else is focusing on and to do the opposite.

In 2005, Tew was obsessed with one thing: making money, enough to pay his way through a three-year business management course at Nottingham University. For most young people, that would mean taking on a part-time job or going to the bank. But not for Tew, a 21-year-old budding entrepreneur from Wiltshire, England, who created the Million Dollar Homepage and peddled internet advertising space on it at $1 a pixel in 10 by 10 blocks.

In four months, Tew had achieved success, fame — and his first million.


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