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iPhone 8 May Not Get That Curved Screen

According to cnet, the rumored iPhone 8 may not feature that curved edge-to-edge OLED display that we've heard so much about after all.
According to cnet, the rumored iPhone 8 may not feature that curved edge-to-edge OLED display that we've heard so much about after all.

According to MacRumors IHS Markit analyst Wayne Lam says that Apple will stick to its flat-screen design, but still with an OLED screen versus the LCD technology found in today's iPhones. He anticipates the screen to feature a more gentle 2.5D curve instead of a Samsung Edge-style display.

Apple is rumored to be loading the 10th anniversary iPhone with a ton of premium features like OLED screens, a high screen-to-body ratio, and AR capabilities. All these add-ons may result in an iPhone that costs well over $1,000.

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