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Asus Announces Google Wifi Rival

On Monday, Asus has launched a new Google WiFi rival in the US priced at $400. Asus Lyra is a Wi-Fi mesh network system joining other offerings such as as the Google Wifi and Netgear’s Orbi.

On Monday, Asus has launched a new Google WiFi rival in the US priced at $400. Asus Lyra is a Wi-Fi mesh network system joining other offerings such as as the Google Wifi and Netgear’s Orbi. 

The idea of these products is to use several devices throughout the home to extend Wi-Fi coverage as opposed to an area nearest to the router location. As with Google’s product, Lyra utilizes a tri-band Wi-Fi mesh network to ensure fast connections for all your devices. The product uses AiProtection to help to defend your smart home gadgets.

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