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Best Graphics Cards of 2017

There are a lot of options when shopping around for GPUs. The best high-end GPU is the Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti. Thanks to its 11GB of GDDR5X VRAM, the 1080 Ti is wildly capable without costing an arm and a leg.
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There are a lot of options when shopping around for GPUs. The best high-end GPU is the Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti. Thanks to its 11GB of GDDR5X VRAM, the 1080 Ti is wildly capable without costing an arm and a leg. 

Aside from the mysterious absence of a DVI port, the GTX 1080 Ti has a sophisticated cooling system needed to keep all of your games running smoothly in resolutions up to 4K. 

The best entry-level GPU is the AMD Radeon RX 460. The RX 460 runs cheap. It is capable and energy efficient, drawing all of its power straight from the motherboard without any 6- or 8-pin connectors required. The RX 460 is worth the money if you plan on spending a lot of time playing MOBA and RTS games, otherwise spring for a higher end model.

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