I kinda enjoy the concept of free software, community involvement. Each one of the following leads to better understanding. Each one of these things is googlable as well.
Do these:
- Learn about the difference between Linux Distributions, such as Debian, Ubuntu, Redhat, Fedora, and Arch Linuxes
- Read the GNU Preamble at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
- Install Virtualbox
- Download and Install Ubuntu in Virtualbox
- Figure out what Gnome is, apt-get is, ssh is, and bash is
- Install SSH server on Ubuntu
- Connect to SSH by using putty on your pc
- Learn about bash and how to get around from the terminal
- Use ssh to install the apache2 web server
- Serve up some kind of html page you made on apache accessed from your desktop (I suggest using nano as a text editor)
Next is, what direction do you want to go with it? Hacking skills, Setting up a server, doing some computer programming, getting windows apps to work in it, normal day to day desktop use, setting up automated tasks, or whatnot? The more you learn the more possibilities get opened up to you. Knowing it well will even get you a sweet job.
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