
Apple's journey from Elite tech company to Selling Simplicity

Posted by Kanthala Raghu on

Apple is fashion. And elite tech. A luxury item. 

Apple is lots of things at the same time. People think that folks buy Apple “because it’s pretty and clean”, which it is, but that’s not what makes Apple popular. Apple sells simplicity.

Your operating system is like a castle, and windows let’s you just roam about in it. Apple locks doors that you won’t ever go in to direct you to where you need to be. That’s why even grandpas can understand an Apple machine but windows seems confusing.

It’s not a fashion thing with Apple, it’s a UI/UX thing. The idea that Apple isn’t an elite tech company is absurd. Love them or hate them, they have done some amazing hardware solutions, albeit, less so in the last year or two. Furthermore, the decision to build everything themselves is a great one for a high-end machine. That’s why the Surface and XPS are being built the same way. Of course, having a clean look and luxury price help build the brand too.

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