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Brian Krzanich will probably never get SEC actions taken against him

Brian Krzanich has been the CEO of Intel - the manufacturer of the most powerful tool for ex filtrating foreign countries' data that the NSA has ever had.

Brian Krzanich has been the CEO of Intel - the manufacturer of the most powerful tool for ex filtrating foreign countries' data that the NSA has ever had.

He oversaw and kept mum about the IME blackbox in every Intel CPU. There's absolutely no way that people at Intel didn't know about these vulnerabilities years ago. They've collected and analysed crash dumps from billions of installed systems running hundreds of OEM OSes for the past two decades.

The fact that they were not fixed means one thing: Intel's largest customer, the US Intelligence Community, ensured this "feature" that Meltdown exploits, continued to be kept in production.

The last Tech Sector CEO to refuse to comply with US Intel extrajudiciary activities, in PRISM, got the SEC so far up his colon that he couldn't cough without filling out a stock value impact form and got prosecuted for insider trading.

Krzanich played ball and gave the NSA every feature they wanted for as long as he worked there. He won't spend a moment in a courtroom.

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