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LibreOffice 6.0 Released

The Document Foundation has released LibreOffice 6.0 – the latest major upgrade to the open source free office suite. The new version is available now for Windows, macOS, Linux and the cloud, and new features will be rolled out to the Android edition in the coming months.

The Document Foundation has released LibreOffice 6.0 – the latest major upgrade to the open source free office suite. The new version is available now for Windows, macOS, Linux and the cloud, and new features will be rolled out to the Android edition in the coming months.

“This is the start of a new development cycle,” explained Italo Vignoli, co-founder of The Document Foundation. “We want to make out software easier and simpler for users all over the world. They want to be able to access features easily, including people who are used to Microsoft Office.”

The Document Foundation’s team of volunteer coders have made several changes to make LibreOffice more accessible, and ease the change from Microsoft Office. One of the biggest changes is the Notebookbar – LibreOffice’s equivalent of the Office ribbon – which is now easier to navigate, with a new tabbed option for the suite’s word-processing software Writer.

Writer’s dictionaries are now better at dealing with new words, automatically recognizing words that can be expressed in different forms (as part of a compound, for example).

New features to boost your productivity

In LibreOffice 6.0, a new ePUB export filter has been added, so you can save your documents as e-books. The user interface customisation and special character dialogs have been redesigned, while OpenPGP keys can be used to sign documents on all desktop platforms (with experimental encryption support). Also, the Help system has been modernised to be more attractive and easier to use.

Edit documents with easeIn Writer, a Form menu has been added, making it easier to include interactive forms in your documents. New table styles are available, while the Find toolbar now has a drop-down list of search types, to speed up navigation. In addition, mail merge operations can now use tables inside Writer itself as data sources.

Work smarter with spreadsheets

In Calc, new commands have been added for selecting unprotected cells on spreadsheets. Using the File > Export dialog, you can now export a cell range selection (or a group of shapes) in JPG or PNG imported. Finally, the Links dialog has been simplified, while three new ODF 1.2-compliant functions have been implemented, for finding and replacing text using byte positions.

Perfect presentations

Ten great new templates have been added to Impress, to make your presentations shine, while the default aspect ratio is now 16:9, so your new presentations work with widescreen displays straight away.

LibreOffice online - your office suite,anywhere

In LibreOffice Online, the cloud-based version of the suite, user avatars are now supported and displayed in comments. Dialogs have been added and updated, while spell checking is now available across Writer, Calc and Impress. An interactive horizontal ruler has been added to Writer, and Calc now supports basic editing of charts.

For a full list of new features in LibreOffice 6.0, see release notes.

LibreOffice is Free Software that would not be possible without The Document Foundation and its volunteer contributors. You can contribute to the LibreOffice and Document Liberation project as well – see how you can get involved.

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