Nikola Tesla revealed that an earthquake which drew police and ambulances to the region of his laboratory at 48 E. Houston St., New York, in 1898, was the result of a little machine he was experimenting with at the time which”you could put in your overcoat pocket.” - Excerpt from The New York Times
Marko Rodin, founder of VBM (vortex based mathematics) mentions the significance of 3-6-9.
Lets re-create the steps:
1. Put numbers 1-9 in a circle with even spaces
2. Start from 1 and apply duplication (result is 2 as u correctly guessed :P) and draw a straight line.
3. Repeat the process (when a number >9 occurs, sum the bits to end in a one digit number) by connecting the results.
A pattern emerges, with 3-6 and nine left out of the "basic" pattern. These numbers create a triangle with 9 on top. As Marko said, the oscillation of these two numbers around the 9 "axis" releases the ENERGY at point 0 (the point where all the other lines intersect with each other).
Digit 0 is connected with the whole (not sure if correctly translating the word) in a lot of philosophic systems. Whole=all that is=Πάν (Pan)
It's a geometrical approach to the lifegiving energy that created universe (chi, prana, or whateverelse). There's a bunch of videos of these on Youtube.
Read why tesla said 3-6-9 was the key to the Universe.
Lets re-create the steps:
1. Put numbers 1-9 in a circle with even spaces
2. Start from 1 and apply duplication (result is 2 as u correctly guessed :P) and draw a straight line.
3. Repeat the process (when a number >9 occurs, sum the bits to end in a one digit number) by connecting the results.
A pattern emerges, with 3-6 and nine left out of the "basic" pattern. These numbers create a triangle with 9 on top. As Marko said, the oscillation of these two numbers around the 9 "axis" releases the ENERGY at point 0 (the point where all the other lines intersect with each other).
Digit 0 is connected with the whole (not sure if correctly translating the word) in a lot of philosophic systems. Whole=all that is=Πάν (Pan)
It's a geometrical approach to the lifegiving energy that created universe (chi, prana, or whateverelse). There's a bunch of videos of these on Youtube.
Read why tesla said 3-6-9 was the key to the Universe.