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PUBG-Themed Restaurant Just Opened In Jaipur

PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds (PUBG) has taken the Internet and the gamer community by storm. And in some good news for fans of this addictive online game, there's a PUBG-themed restaurant in Jaipur!

PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds (PUBG) has taken the Internet and the gamer community by storm.

For the uninitiated, PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds is a military-style shooter battle royale game in which a total of 100 players drop onto a battleground, where they will have to fight till death and the last man standing will be declared the winner. PUBG is currently available on PC, Xbox One, iOS, and Android.

And in some good news for fans of this addictive online game, there's a PUBG-themed restaurant in Jaipur!

PUBG was the battle royale game that started the trend, with its ‘Hunger Games’-esque setup. Players are dropped into a map along an air route, with no guns or equipment, and have to scavenge for them all the while killing any enemies they coming across.

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