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Free Softwares with Special COVID-19 Offers

We see that companies are at varying stages of processing the impact of COVID-19 on their businesses. We wish everyone the best as they navigate the uncertainty. This article is designed to help those who are fortunate enough to have gotten through the initial shock and are beginning to look for solutions in earnest.

We see that companies are at varying stages of processing the impact of COVID-19 on their businesses. We wish everyone the best as they navigate the uncertainty. This article is designed to help those who are fortunate enough to have gotten through the initial shock and are beginning to look for solutions in earnest.

Based on what we’ve seen a few weeks into COVID-19, the story right now seems to be this: people are coming together to help one another, and many software companies in particular are focused on meeting the new needs of their customers.

Below is a list of software companies that are offering special pricing during this time —

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