
Islamic charities linked to terror groups in Pak funded by US govt

Posted by Kanthala Raghu on
New Delhi/Washington, April 15 The US government agencies have been funding the Islamic charities linked to terror groups based in Pakistan and the Middle East through InterAction, America''s largest alliance of international non-profit organizations.

Interestingly, contradicting its stated objective, the TP picked the most controversial Islamic charities - Helping Hand for Relief & Development, Islamic Relief USA, Zakat Foundation, American Relief Agency for the Horn of Africa and United Muslim Relief - all linked to radical groups in the Middle East and Pakistan.

Incidentally, Financial Action Task Force, the global watchdog on terror funding, has put Pakistan on its ''grey list'' for its failure to curb terror financing.

The platform has endorsed letters to the US House and the Senate pushing for terror finance reform, met lawmakers from key committees, opposed legislation targeting terror financing in Pakistan and tried to enter special training in the bank examination manual that would downplay the risks associated with money laundering and terror financing, sources said.

"But as long as InterAction and the Together Project continue to protect Islamist charities linked to terror groups, all the measures taken at FATF remain futile," an investigator in DC said.

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