
Oxford coronavirus vaccine ‘works perfectly’ and triggers ‘strong immunity

Posted by Kanthala Raghu on
Image Credit: Reuters

The coronavirus vaccine being developed at Oxford University is working well and has been shown to produce a 'strong immune response' in volunteers, studies show.

Instead of using a weakened strain, or small parts of it, like traditional vaccines, the Oxford jab directs the body to produce part of the virus itself. 'Until now, the technology hasn't been able to provide answers with such clarity, but we now know the vaccine is doing everything we expected and that is only good news in our fight against the illness.

Sarah Gilbert, who leads the Oxford University vaccine trial, added: 'The study confirms that large amounts of the coronavirus spike protein are produced with great accuracy, and this goes a long way to explaining the success of the vaccine in inducing a strong immune response.

The positive development comes after the government's chief scientific adviser warned that a widespread roll-out of a coronavirus vaccine is unlikely before Christmas. Sir Patrick said 'the aim that we would all wish for' would be a vaccine which would allow the 'release' of lockdown measures such as social distancing and the compulsory wearing of masks.

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