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This weekend, Apple TV+ will be available for free streaming

Apple is allowing everyone to experience its Apple TV+ streaming service for free this weekend, from January 3 to January 5.
Free Apple Tv Television photo and picture

Image Credit - Pixbay

Apple is allowing everyone to experience its Apple TV+ streaming service for free this weekend, from January 3 to January 5. The company announced the information on Monday, along with a short video highlighting its best TV shows, including “Severance,” “Slow Horses,” “Shrinking,” and more.

It's important to highlight that this is the first instance where Apple has provided something of this nature. The announcement follows shortly after Apple TV+ started hinting at its intention to make its content available to non-subscribers.

A weekend provides ample opportunity to binge-watch several of Apple’s hit series, particularly “Severance,” making its much-awaited second season comeback on January 17. While Apple’s tweet regarding the promotion states that Apple TV+ will be free to stream on January 4 and 5, the official press release indicates it will be available for free from January 3 to 5.

By providing more access to its content, Apple is probably anticipating that viewers will discover its TV shows and subsequently subscribe to stay updated with the series or explore the entire library of the streaming service. The company mentions that Apple TV+ will be complimentary on any device supporting Apple TV+ and that an Apple ID is all you require to use the streaming service.

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