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CRUNCHYROLL Allegedly Breached; Premium Account Login Credentials Exposed Online

Various reports on social media suggest that the anime streaming platform has been breached, leading to premium account login information being shared

 Crunchyroll Assures Anime Fans That Its Systems Weren't Compromised -

Premium subscribers of Crunchyroll might consider updating their password. Various reports on social media suggest that the anime streaming platform has been breached, leading to premium account login information being shared online.

YouTuber Chibi Reviews was among the first to cover the breach that has resulted in over 100 different accounts having their information leaked and shared online.

The initial post with the information has been deleted from social media, but screenshots of account information, like the login email and password, are still broadly available on social media. The initial post with the leaked account details has surpassed 19,000 likes on X/Twitter, indicating significant visibility on the social media site.

Crunchyroll has responded to CBR regarding rumors of a possible data breach, where approximately 50 logins were exposed in a viral social media post. The company said there's no evidence of this and has secured the affected accounts. Replying to CBR's query regarding the post, Crunchyroll's statement reads: "We are aware that login credentials for several streaming services, including Crunchyroll, were posted on social media and have resolved the issue. We have secured the affected accounts, investigated the situation and determined that there is no evidence that Crunchyroll’s systems have been compromised." 

While Crunchyroll has resolved the issue, it serves as a reminder for subscribers to regularly update their passwords and prioritize account security. Crunchyroll fans can rest assured that the platform is taking steps to protect its users and maintain a secure streaming experience.

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