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Happy International Women's Day

Womanhood is a fusion of creation, wisdom, and transformation—embodying the essence of the Das Mahavidya:
  • Kali, destroys illusions for renewal.
  • Tara, guides with compassion and courage.
  • Tripura Sundari, reveals beauty as harmony.
  • Bhuvaneshwari, expands consciousness. 
  • Bhairavi, ignites the fire of discipline.
  • Chhinnamasta, teaches self-sacrifice and liberation.
  • Dhumavati, unveils wisdom in detachment.
  • Baglamukhi, wields power through stillness.
  • Matangi, channels divine creativity.
  • Kamala, grants abundance and fulfillment.
Each woman embodies these divine forces, shaping existence with strength and grace.

Salutations to Shakti.

॥ श्री क्रीं काली बगलामुखी च ललिता धूमावती भैरवी । मातंगी भुवनेश्वरी च कमला श्री वज्रवेरोचनी ॥ तारा पूर्व महापद्मेन कथा विद्या स्वयं शम्भुना । लीला रूपमयी च देश दशा बाला तु मां पातु सा ॥

To all the incredible women out there, today is for you! Whether you're breaking barriers, chasing dreams, or simply being your amazing self, your strength and resilience inspire us all.

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